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u're not being sarcastic r u?! lol. i really hope you're serious!! lol.
Posted 06 Aug 2003


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i'm not putting down madhuri's talents! as u said....even I admit that she gets the nod, overall. i'm not crazy! lol.

but saima's no slouch either. for me...her being pakistani is enough! i didn't speak for everyone....ONLY MYSELF when i said i think she's better due to her being paki! to me....that matters! lol. so while the end result of this poll is madhuri is somewhat better, i still prefer saima, simply because she's pakistani! sue me! lol.
Posted 06 Aug 2003


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lol. i KNEW i shouldn't have wrote 'bro' without asking first. lol. sorry!

as far as saima goes...her face is not long. i don't know where u get THIS from?? if anything its more 'traditional-looking' as is madhuri's. they both look old-school, while these newer actresses look similar (too modern - atleast in my opinion).

and as for saima looking like mommer's mom in chooriyan, you're right, no doubt. she looked a little older...but people ignored that. thats obvisously why it was the single biggest punjabi movie in pakistani history! and madhuri doesn't exactly look like a school-girl either. u may have heard of her upcoming movie in which a younger man falls in love with a MUCH MUCH older woman. i'll give you one guess as to who that older woman will be. so age doesn't matter. the couple does! shahrukh is also ALOT younger than maduri. she looked like his mom in many movies. yet they remain a winning pair, and so are mommer/saima.

the bottom line is, saima is for pakistan what madhuri/sri devi were for india, atleast in my opinion. wheather we like them or not, they have been at the VERY TOP of the indistry, and for good reason: they all had talent. and thats the basis on which i'm comparing them mainly! age and the rest of that stuff is relevant, but secondary in comparison!
Posted 06 Aug 2003


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thank you!

and they show the concert on TV too???!!
Posted 06 Aug 2003


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lol. great. there goes my ONLY source to inform me abt the saima/abrar concert! lol. now how will i find out what happend?! lol (j/k).

i don't blame u bro. if i had to choose one, i would choose the peace concert too. more stars, from both countries! but honestly....if i were in london....i would try my best to attend both!

because the money from the abrar conert goes to his hospital so its a good cause! but its up 2 u! keep me informed on whichever one u go to, please!
Posted 06 Aug 2003


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teek hai. i give up! u don't answer my question, so i'll assume u're just chiraa-ing me! lol. deep down, you're a closet saima fan! [;)]
Posted 06 Aug 2003


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acha jee tracker sahib. saray jehaan ki pakistani actresses buree hain, sirf zara shiekh teek hai???!!! lol. (severe sarcasm)!
Posted 06 Aug 2003


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chalo aisay he sahee! lol.
Posted 06 Aug 2003


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and to answer to question, according to various rumours, she is 41 years old. but she looks just fine for the role. lol.
Posted 06 Aug 2003


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so she IS coming! see?!!

again...u guys r lucky in the uk. we, in toronto have a good pakistani gathering every august at a mela for independence. the last two years, abrar has headlined our shows, and he'll do so again! but we don't have people in cars with flags and that. too bad.

will u go to BOTH shows or just one!??! will u attend abrar/saima, or the peace concert?!
Posted 06 Aug 2003


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looks like a good thing to do. tensions are S-L-O-W-L-Y easing, and this concert does no harm, so i say go 4 it!
Posted 06 Aug 2003


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from the list, yeh dil aap ka huwa!
Posted 06 Aug 2003


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oh bhaisaab, yeh to kuch bhi nahi! yeh humara farz tha! i just 4got 2 say it in the beginning. sorry!

lekin jo aapne mere liya favour kiya hai (defending saima), yeh mera liya bot baree bath hai! thanks buddy!
Posted 06 Aug 2003


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ofcourse not ffm! but still....jawab to dein, log! if u talk the talk, walk the walk! thats all! if u hate her so much....explain why! don't keep putting her down! akhir vo bhi insaan hai! she has feelingf too u know. lol.
Posted 06 Aug 2003


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thanks Noor-E-Sahar!

and xoxuknowmexox first things first, WELCOME!

now be honest bro...have u even seen any saima movies??? lol.

madhuri is known more, so thats y u would call saima 'pakistan's madhuri' and not visa versa. as far as comparing them goes, they're both similar in age, weight, and acting talent. if u watched more than one saima movie, u'd see that. like her or love her, she can act better than any other pakistani actress in my opinion. as for her face taking up the entire screen, have u seen madhuri's teeth?? lol. they're as big as saima's face. lol. (j/k).

anyhow...u're entitled 2 u're own opinion. if u don't think there's any be it.
Posted 06 Aug 2003


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whose coming to the uk again in september?! humaira arshad?!

and u're right, other stars should get a chance. we should do like these bollywood shows and get singers/actors/actresses to come and do one BIG show every year! not just in london tho...EVERYWHERE! but london has a big pakistani population. tariq tafu was on a radio station 2day and said that thats y they do so many things in lodon. u'll notice more audio tapes/cd's and so on are available more easily in london than anywhere else.

anyhow, again, please keep me posted!
Posted 06 Aug 2003


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lol. Noor-E-Sahar is right. what the hell has saima done to deserve such harsh words from all sides!???? and how come nobody answers this question, and instead continues to put her down??
Posted 06 Aug 2003


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lol. sorry buddy. welcome!
Posted 06 Aug 2003


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.....and sanam411, this is a pic from the actual movie mr. shahrukh is talking abt...LARKI punjaban!

Image Insert:

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Posted 06 Aug 2003


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oh come UK gets EVERYTHING????!!!!! (j/k) LOL.

abrar and humaira on the same show...the writing is on the wall for an AMAZING night (i should know...i was part of one, last year!). then u throw in fakhir, jawad, and REEMA TOO!! man, o man...i wish i was there. i'm glad humaira did good. she was great in toronto as well. i hear rumors she's coming again, but there's no show being advertised, other than the independence day mela on the 17th of august, and she's not coming there. but whenever she does come...i will be there, GUARANTEED! she's my favorite!

thanks for keeping me informed abt the abrar/saima show! i'll be waiting!
Posted 06 Aug 2003


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people....the movie is complete, and is all set for release within the coming weeks. its success/failure controls the fate of lollywood, and u guys r complaining abt saima being in it NOW??? 2 WEEKS B4 ITS ALL SET FOR RELEASE???!!! LOL.

(AYESHAKHAN_FANATIC, where r u bro?!?! mr. shahrukh has ignored your request to NOT insult celebrities! lol. saima (like her or love her) is a celebrity and many people's favorite at that!)
Posted 06 Aug 2003


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woh woh woh!! back up!! umair16, u mentioned another one of my HANDS DOWN FAVORITE, humaira arshad! is she coming to UK NOW, or did she already come?!?! she came to toronto last year (august) for a concert with abrar, and then again for the pakistani independence mela. those shows were AMAZING! but what is this about her coming with fakhir to the uk???!!!! please explain! details!

as for saima, thank you! its nice to know i'm not alone, and that she was in high demand! maybe i should move to london. lol.

i'm gussing she will dance to thE SMASH HIT song from chooriyan, "DHOLA, VE GAL SUN DHOLA." u said u are going??? if u do, please keep me posted! i would love to hear how the show went, and what saima did!
Posted 05 Aug 2003


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ustaad jee, chad deyo hun! saima achee actress hagee eh! u dont have to love her...just respect her! lol.
Posted 05 Aug 2003


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lol. no problem ayeshakhanfanatic!

and umair16, i have no idea who else is coming! sorry. but i'm guessing its the same show: abrar, haroon, naghmana, roop, and instead of reema, UK gets saima (lucky people!). and i'm also guessing that the reason saima will be in the UK, is to promote her movie (larki punjaban) which is also releasing during the same time in the UK?? just a guess....
Posted 05 Aug 2003


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OH whats the problem?! lol. first saima and now veena?! please explain!
Posted 05 Aug 2003


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.....too bad!
Posted 05 Aug 2003


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i'm looking 4ward 2 all of them cause they all look good and they all look more improved from past movies. but if i have to pick only one...its larki punjaban.

and u can add UMRAO JAAN to this list. sayed noor is making this movie, i heard. it should be amazing.
Posted 05 Aug 2003


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good idea. let me know how it turns out.

and btw...roop looks a little like ayesha khan. lol. i may be wrong, but if u glance at her, she looks a LITTLE like her. so u might have another reason to go with the abrar concert.
Posted 04 Aug 2003


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for me its a no-brainer....go to the ABRAR ONE!! if you've gone to one b4, u know he can bring the house down! if not....U SHOULD GO MAN!! this show has one undisputed main event: abrar! in the other one, its a toss up! i wonder who would sing last?? lol. but its up 2 u tho. and its on independence day! not bad. the same show (abrar/haroon/naghmana etc.) is coming back to toronto for an independence day mela on the 17th. i'll go there too! lol. abrar's worth it.
Posted 04 Aug 2003


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lol. umair16, i was told that none other than saima is coming with abrar and co. to the UK show! favoritism aside, i've heard that saima boycotts everything from award shows (even shows which she wins awards. lol), to interviews, to even concerts like these. so the fact that she's coming, means the show should be really good. i hope u have fun if u go, and fill me in PLEASE! as for my reema-to-bollywood award show-theory...its just a guess. i am probably wrong. i hope i'am!

and're 100% right. my main reason for going was abrar, so i was okay. but i felt real bad for the people who came to see reema. as i said, there were COUNTLESS LOUD chants of "we want reema" throughout the show, and those people got ripped off. the show, like many pakistani shows was OUTSTANDING, but that was the low-point. the LEAST they could have done was acknowledge that reema was not going to come. they didn't even have to explain, but they could have just mentioned it. instead they went on, like she was not even supposed to be there. that was bad. so you're right bro..pakistani concerts are real fun to go to, but the celebrities should not leave us high and dry! when's the concert in chicago?!

Posted 04 Aug 2003